London Metropolitan University campus

London Metropolitan University

London Metropolitan University has been providing education to people from all backgrounds since 1848, with the creation of the Metropolitan Evening Classes for Working Men.

London Metropolitan University campus

Five Schools teach cutting-edge, relevant courses across the arts, sciences, business, law and humanities. Accelerator – London Met’s specialist business incubator – helps graduates get their enterprises up and running. Over the past 170 years, our north London campus has developed into a modern, progressive centre with a strong reputation for widening access into education.

The University as it is today was created in 2002 with the merging of London Guildhall University and the University of North London, the first merger between two universities in the UK. Its roots, however, lie firmly in the nineteenth century with the establishment of the Metropolitan Evening Classes for Young Men in 1848.

More info on the history here.

International students

We offer a welcoming and supportive environment situated in one of the world’s greatest cities. Our international students come from all over the world, giving you the opportunity to meet people from a variety of different backgrounds. No matter where you’re from, we’ll ensure you have the best possible university experience and, if you need support during your time with us, our international advisers can provide valuable information and advice.

Quick Facts

London Met is a civic university. Our outreach in the local community covers a wide range of real life issues and we provide support to local charities and civic organisations

The last 5 years have seen the university has undergone a huge financial turnaround – this money is being invested into the estates, staff and student services

The campus is being regenerated to focus on sustainability. We are aiming for carbon zero by 2030 in line with government aims

London Met Lab focuses on tackling some of London’s biggest challenges e.g crime.

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We are one of London’s vital civic institutions, united with other key organisations in our localities and the wider capital in driving opportunity and prosperity for all.

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New nursing training facilities at Holloway Campus, including Igloo VR technology to mimic the clinical environment for trainee adult nurses.

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Estates strategy – £150m is being invested to create vibrant campuses with cutting-edge facilities, with sustainability at its heart

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